• Awate Reposts

    Halaf’Mengedi (Passerby)

    I don’t know how to start or where to start or whether I should start at all. I probably should begin by saying “yigermal yesew neger!” to those who noticed my absence and were kind enough to ask including my good friend SG – who essentially counted me among the ‘dead of the year’ in his article of November 29,…

  • Awate Reposts

    Zereba Abeyti (Words of Wisdom)

    Soon after my last article Halaf’Mengedi was published brothers B.Y. and SY (I have no permission to mention B.Y.’s name – so the initials) wrote me e-mails to draw my attention to a few sentences that they thought were culturally and ethically insensitive to the late Dr. Russom Haile (May God bless his soul!). The reason was because it was…

  • Awate Reposts

    Liberating Civil Society

    I should probably start by saying a few words about how amazing the developments in the opposition camp in general and the civil society component in particular have become. I haven’t been following much of the written material with the exception of my favorite writers on Awate and Asmarino. This, added to what we have been watching about the Arab…

  • Awate Reposts

    Setting the Stage

    I don’t really know where to start. So much has happened in the last two years that I would be lying if I told you I have been following Eritrean politics the way I used to. Several friends have suggested different entry points including private disclosures. I do understand the pressures that my allegedly dubious and ghostly personality might have…

  • Awate Reposts

    The Trade of Defiance

    Thanks a lot to every good friend who took the time to throw in a few but very valuable words in the comments section of my previous article. All of the comments, I must admit, are on spot and none have said anything that I do not fully agree with and accept to follow word for word (as soon as…

  • Awate Reposts

    Just Tickling

    This article is exclusively intended to acknowledge and congratulate developments that took place while I had no idea they did. Please read each in its totality and do not dwell on the details. What I feel right now is no different than what the Seven Sleepers felt the day they woke up. Please help! The prudent guy that I am,…

  • Awate Reposts


    Bear with me please! I think we are in quicksand and we need to cross a few steps before starting the journey. By “we” I mean people (Eritreans) who have already crossed over from the stage of “what should I be doing?” into the stage of “how should I do it best for maximum impact?” I usually take it for…

  • Awate Reposts

    What Opposition?

    I wrote three full blown articles and every time I finished one, I keep asking myself “So what?” I saved a copy of the article and deleted the original. Part of the reason is that each time I say thank God I am finished with this one, there comes Awate with fresh stuff that blow my arguments down. One piece…

  • Awate Reposts

    The Mask Behind The Garb

    ‘Thank You’ to all the people who take their time to leave a few notes at the end of the articles, mine included. That impresses me most and deserves all the credit for getting us rolling. I couldn’t find it again for proper referencing and I don’t remember the exact words either but one particular comment depicted a simple yet…

  • Awate Reposts

    Ghosts Of The Horn

    Many of those who will read this and who have read the few that I wrote before are justified in wondering why any Eritrean in his/her right mind would be skipping all the catastrophes that Eritreans are facing and be fixated with unsexy, irrelevant and off-date issues. There are a lot of Eritreans who are facing death and pain in…